Frequently Asked Questions
  • What is All Access Rewards?
    All Access Rewards is our loyalty rewards program and your backstage pass for VIP shopping. The All Access Rewards program’s primary purpose is to provide you with the best possible shopping experience in our stores. By picking up an All Access Rewards card you are gaining access to exclusive rewards, discounts and offers online & in-store. You’ll also be the first to hear about new products, special sales and events tailored to your unique preferences. All Access Rewards let’s you SHOP LIKE A ROCKSTAR!

    Backstage passes include:
        •Earning 1 point for every $1 you spend. Each time you reach 500 points in a 13-week cycle you will receive a $5 All Access Rewards automatically loaded to your All Access eWallet.
        •Exclusive discount and special offers.
        •Digitally “clip” coupons to your All Access eWallet.
        •Shop like a Rockstar and use your All Access Rewards at any Lo Bucks.
  • What is the All Access eWallet?
    The eWallet is the “brains behind the scenes” of your All Access card. It acts similar to a bank account, compiling your All Access Rewards balance, transaction history, information specific to you and special offers. You can access this information via your personal All Access online dashboard.
  • How do I use my All Access Rewards?
    Scan your All Access card at check-out to earn or use All Access Rewards. All Access Rewards in your eWallet can be applied to lower the transaction amount just like a coupon. Loaded digital coupons will automatically discount the product at check-out.
  • What can I spend my All Access Rewards on?
    Your All Access Rewards are yours to use in your favorite Lo Bucks store as you would like. Spend it when you get it, or save it for a special occasion – it’s your choice. However, you can buy whatever you’d like with your All Access Rewards with the exception of services, taxes, fees, lottery, gift cards or other items prohibited by law.
  • How do I sign-up for All Access Rewards?
        •Sign up at
        •Sign up in-lane when you checkout.
        •Visit your store's Customer Service desk for an application.
  • What personal information will be requested and required to sign up?
    You will be required to give us your full name, address and phone number. We also are asking for email, cell phone and other optional information. However, depending on how you would like us to communicate with you is how much information we need you to provide. If you would like us to send you emails, we need your email address. If you would like us to send you a text message, we need your cell phone number, etc.
  • Do I have to be an All Access Member?
    No. You’ll get the same great everyday values and advertised specials with no card required! Customers with an All Access Rewards simply get additional benefits.
  • How do I know which store to pick up my All Access Rewards Card?
    When you register you will receive a fulfillment number – take that fulfillment number to your favorite store to pick up your All Access Rewards card.
  • Can family members have their own All Access Rewards Card?
    Yes. Just add your family members as dependents on your account. Then go to your local store to get All Access Rewards cards for each member or just have them use your account phone number at checkout.
  • What if I lose my All Access Rewards Card?
    If you lose your All Access Rewards card just visit your store’s Customer Service Desk or call our All Access Help Line at (541) 412-0005. We will help you roll over to a new account without losing any of your built up benefits and history. We will also deactivate your old card to ensure there will be no future issues.
  • Can I "cash out" my All Access Rewards eWallet balance?
    Your All Access Rewards eWallet balance has no "cash out" value, so it cannot be "cashed-out". You can use your All Access Rewards eWallet balance on any purchase in any Lo Bucks location. Use it when you want, on the products you want in store. The exceptions are services, taxes, fees, lottery, gift cards or other items prohibited by law.
  • What if I forgot my All Access Rewards card and want to make a purchase?
    When you visit the store, let the cashier know you are an All Access Rewards member and they will be able to identify you by the phone number associated with the account. The only difference is that you will not be able to spend any All Access Rewards during that transaction. Coupons and promotions on items you purchase will still receive their respective discounts and you will still earn All Access points.
  • When I use my phone number instead of my All Access Card, why can’t I use my All Access Rewards eWallet balance?
    Since there is store value attached to your account, we cannot allow our guests to use only their phone numbers to apply their All Access Rewards to their transactions. It would be too easy for other people to access your eWallet balance.
  • How can I see my All Access eWallet balance in the store?
    eWallet balances are made available at every check stand in the store. You can also stop by the Customer Service Desk before you shop to see what you have available.
  • Can I use a portion of my All Access Rewards eWallet credit?
    Yes, you can use a portion of your wallet or the whole thing – you decide when and how.
Sign Up

New to the program? Did you register at a program location? Either way, you can get started here. It just takes a few minutes.

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